Erdenleib (2018)
The Erdenleib lives in the dark tunnels of an old mine. The only light he needs is his own. Until one day those lights extinguish.
He is forced out of his space into the world above.
Arc Festival 2019 Winner: Fresh View Award, Planos Portugal 2018 Winner: Art Diretion, Deutscher Jugendfilmpreis 2019, Lichter Filmfest 2019, Blicke-Filmfestival 2018, 32. Bundes Festival Film in Hildesheim
Ruhrtriennale 2018, „Kunst und Kohle“ Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl
Director, Writer, Producer, DOP Vincent Ercolani, Nicholas Dues, Julius Farwick
Set-Design, Costume Julius Farwick
Sounddesign & Music Aljoscha Christenhuß
Editor | Colorist Vincent Ercolani